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About Cook's Collies

Who we are

We are Steve and Aimee Cook and along with our grown children, Angela, Matthew, Aaron and daughter-in-law, Katie, farm and ranch in beautiful southern Kansas. We raise Gelbvieh cattle and collies on our Prairie Gem Ranch. We have lived here on our farm since 1992.

Steve was blessed to grow up with a white collie named "Spot" for the first twelve years of his life and developed a life long love of the breed. We purchased our first collie, "Myst" in 1997 and have been raising collies ever since.

We all work together on our farm taking care of the animals and enjoying the beautiful scenery around us...God has truly blessed our family!


Our Story

We have been raising collies on our Kansas farm since 1997. We appreciate the beauty, intelligence and friendliness of the collie breed and enjoy the companionship of our collies everyday! We only raise collies--no other breeds--and while we strive to raise collies that fit the "Collie Standard," we are most of all concerned about raising puppies that are healthy, well adjusted and will go to their new homes and be a wonderful family pet.


We work closely with our veterinarian to keep our dogs and puppies healthy, and it is our desire that every puppy that we raise grows up to be a loved and cherished family pet.
We hope you will enjoy our website, and we will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.

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